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Brothers & Sisters (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Brothers & Sisters (EN)

What lengths would you go to protect the ones you love? When the complex web of dark family secrets begins to gradually unravel, Tim and his sister Rose are consumed by trying to protect their 46-year-old secret, a secret that was never meant to be told. Faced with an impossible dilemma, they must decide whether to tell the truth or face the consequences. One thing's for sure, nothing remains buried forever... A gripping, highly emotive story of love, survival, dark family secrets and sibling loyalty. Perfect for the fans of Kathryn Hughes and Dorothy Koomson. 'Incredibly moving, beautifully written, this dramatic tale of dark family secrets is impossible to put down. I loved it' -CARMEL HARRINGTON. 'Adele O'Neill explores the complexities of familial love and loss, loyalty and betrayal in a remarkable debut novel' -MARGARET CARRAGHER-Adele is a writer from County Wicklow who lives with her husband Alan and her two teenage daughters. Influenced by writers across all genres she has a particular fondness for fiction that is relatable and realistic. Her debut novel was awarded The Annie McHale Debut Novel Award for 2017. Adele writes overlooking the Irish Sea, which she credits for the tumultuous dynamics in the relationships and lives of her unsuspecting characters.

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Názov: Brothers & Sisters (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK105917

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