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Kissing the Lizard (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Kissing the Lizard (EN)

'In the desert, no one can hear you, queen'Justin David’s newly-released novella is part creepy coming-of-age story, part black-comedy, set partly in buzzing 1990s London and partly in barren New Mexico wildlands.When Jamie meets Matthew in Soho, he’s drawn to his new-age charms. But when he follows his new friend across the planet to a remote earth-ship in Taos, bizarre incidents begin unfolding and Matthew’s real nature reveals itself: he’s a manipulative monster at the center of a strange cult.Jamie finds himself at the center a disturbing psychological nightmare as they seize the opportunity to recruit a new member. Pushed to his limits, lost in a shifting sagebrush landscape, can Jamie trust anyone to help him? And will he ever see home again?This evocatively set desert gothic expertly walks the line between macabre humor and terrifying tension. "Kissing the Lizard" is a world of its own. Perhaps the universe is talking to us after all.This audiobook is a really unique look over an LGBT+ literary corner.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Kissing the Lizard (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK105915

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