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Jason (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Jason (EN)

They may have won the prize, but will any of them make it home alive?Jason has fulfilled the mission set for him by his uncle, the scheming King Pelias of Iolkos: he and the Argonauts have won the fabled Golden Fleece of Colchis.Jason dreams of glory – of taking his uncle's throne, rightfully his – and, like his warrior shipmates, of home. But it is not only Pelias who wishes Jason ill. Before the Argonauts can make it back to Iolkos, they must contend with a legion of foes who would see them dead – and a web of allies who are not quite what they seem.Jason and his warriors must outwit the recondite Circe and the spies of mighty Troy, overcome hostile tribes beyond the Danube, and sail the troubled waters of the Archipelagos, where the Sirens wait to snare unwary seafarers.Yet Jason's perils are only beginning, for he will soon discover that a truer evil lies closer to home...A beautifully detailed reimagining of a famous Greek myth and the second book in the ´Blades of Bronze´ series, ´Jason´ is packed with action, adventure, and intrigue, and is perfect for fans of Christian Cameron, Bernard Cornwell, and Madeline Miller.

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Názov: Jason (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK105913

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