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This is Me (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: This is Me (EN)

This is... Denise. Married to Ray, her first and only love, Denise has never, for one moment, regretted putting the husband she idolised on a pedestal above everyone and everything else. But, after forty years of marriage, he is gone, leaving Denise to discover that their perfect marriage was fatally flawed. Now she faces a future alone. But first, she must face the betrayals of the past.This is...Claire. The estranged daughter of Denise, the woman who put her husband before her children, Claire took the opposite path and devoted her life to raising her family, sacrificing her marriage along the way. With her teenage sons about to flee the nest, she realises she may have left it too late to find her own happily ever after.This is the story of two women, both alone, both cautionary tales of one of motherhood's biggest decisions. Who is more important, your partner or your children? And what happens if you make the wrong choice?Perfect for the fans of Jojo Moyes, Lucy Diamond, and Marian Keyes.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: This is Me (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK105909

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