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A Year of Finding Happiness (EN)

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Vaša predajná cena: 16,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Year of Finding Happiness (EN)

Poignant, heart-warming and gorgeously romantic, this is a love-story with pure, unadulterated happiness at its heart. A Year of Finding Happiness shows you that the little things in life can make you smile, even when you think you might never laugh again...Happiness doesn't factor on the deliciously rugged but utterly heartbroken Greg's radar much these days. Only his beloved Labrador Angus seems to understand his search for a way to make sense of tragedy, until he meets new neighbour Mallory Westerman...Instantly they know that the other understands how they feel, and over time, as romance blossoms, they dare to wonder if they might, one day, be truly happy again...There are two sides to every story, and A Year of Finding Happiness is Greg's journey back from the darkest depths to happiness...A Year of Finding Happiness was previously published as Bridge of Hope.

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Názov: A Year of Finding Happiness (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK105670

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