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Gold Dragon (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Gold Dragon (EN)

‘Gold Dragon’ is the third novel in the ‘Run and Hide’ series by popular author JJ Marsh. After her dangerous escapades in Brazil, Ann Sheldon has had to reinvent herself once again. Now known as Olivia Lane, she has given up the peace and tranquillity of her Brazilian beach hut and moved to one of the most densely populated cities on earth – Macau. Olivia can trust no one, and must hunt down a dangerous ex-colleague who holds the answers that she so desperately needs. A fast-paced, gripping thriller from the author of the ‘Beatrice Stubbs’ series.GOLD DRAGON 5* reviews:There's only one flaw in JJ Marsh's writing: It's so gifted that I read all of her eagerly-awaited books within a day or two of their arrival. Golden Dragon was no different. The characters, vivid locale descriptions, expertly-paced action and surprising plot twists provided a gloriously entertaining escape that--of course--were deeply satisfying, and have left me once again longing for the next episode. – Cate, USI loved this newest run and hide book from Ms Marsh! It was exciting as ever and filled with wonderful scenery and beautiful food experiences. I could see and feel the atmosphere in every location throughout the story. I highly recommend this book! – Déborah, FranceA great story that will keep you on the edge of your seat! JJ Marsh has such a talent for bringing you right into the life she is writing about! After reading one of her books I feel as though I have visited the country and eaten the cuisine! Looking forward to the next book in this series!! Also try her Beatrice Stubbs detective series. Excellent!! – Di, USIt is a very long time since I have enjoyed reading a book so much. J J Marsh leads you on an intriguing journey, full of twists and turns with no shortage of dangerous surprises. Well worth reading. – James, UKLots of twists and turns in this book. I really enjoyed learning more about Hong Kong and Macau. Great characters and storyline in this series. Just when you think Olivia is safe and happy you see she is probably going to move on for awhile yet again. In each book you hope she may again find love, happiness and safety. Can’t wait to read the next book in this series as soon as it’s out! – Susan, USPage turner, surprises often, good characters...great plot...looking forward to the next edition! Hope she gets happy then.....hope she finds Gil... - Mary, CanadaThis book kept me reading through the night, Excellent! How can I possibly wait months for the fourth instalment to be released? – Sandra, US-JJ Marsh is a Welsh author who grew up in Wales, Africa, and the Middle East. JJ studied English Literature and Theatre Studies, and has worked as an actor, director, teacher, journalist, and writer. She is well-known for her popular Beatrice Stubbs crime series. JJ now lives in Switzerland with her husband and three dogs, where she continues to write.

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Názov: Gold Dragon (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK105574

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