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Love and Gravity (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Love and Gravity (EN)

A romance of cosmic proportionsAnton is everything Grace dreamed of. Smart, funny, supportive of her best friend’s work...He makes her heart race.Too bad they’ve never met—at least not face-to-face. Emails and the occasional phone call are their only links.Until finally they do meet. And it blows, because the funny, sensitive, and thoughtful man vanishes in the blink of an eye, replaced by a condescending jerk who thinks she’s little more than an errand girl.Billionaire. Rake. Playboy. Physicist.Anton has played many roles. But his greatest wish is to gain respect as science's brightest star. Determined to put his bad boy reputation to rest and recover his company after the theft of valuable research, Anton accepts the offer to work in his friend Lou's lab in Geneva. The lab Grace just so happens to manage.Amid glitter bombs, shrink rays, over-caffeinated scientists, and stolen research, the two of them struggle to figure out what to do about their burgeoning feelings.Is love, like gravity, a wave? And will it pull them under?"Rebel Carter writes with wit, elegance, and longing. Her love stories exist in a world of their own and it's one I never want to leave." -Talia Hibbert, author of Get A Life, Chloe Brown-Rebel Carter is a romance novelist from Colorado, USA. Her books are packed with passion, intriguing and dynamic characters, and plenty of steamy scenes. A writer of both contemporary and historical romance fiction, Carter is an exciting new voice in the romance genre.

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Názov: Love and Gravity (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK105572

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