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Mad About You (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Mad About You (EN)

Giada Borghi has always known exactly what she wants.Graduating with honours? Check. An internship at a prestigious consulting company in Milan? Check! Ariberto Castelli, with his pretty face and unironically monogrammed shirts? Definitely not. Sure, they may have shared a kiss in a nightclub once upon a time – that doesn't change anything! Boys like Ariberto and girls like Giada just don't belong together. But working so closely with a handsome Italian is bound to turn any girl's head, especially as she realises there's more to Ariberto than meets the eye.The summer days are long and hot... can Giada make it through with her head – and heart – intact?´Mad About You´ is ideal for fans of Sally Thorne and Christina Lauren.What readers are saying about ´Mad About You´: "Premoli perfectly describes Giada and Ari's blossoming relationship, injected with great humour[...]" - Sera De La Haye "Lovely story of Giada and Ariberto. Chemistry between them was v good and loved the story" - Raj -Anna Premoli is a bestselling author in Italy. She began writing to relieve stress while working as a financial consultant for a private bank. Her novel, ´Love to Hate You´ won the Bancarella prize in 2013.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Mad About You (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK105566

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