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Bride to the King (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Bride to the King (EN)

Daydreamer and book-lover, Zosina, the eldest daughter of the Archduke Ferdinand of Blitzstein, is reluctantly obedient when her father announces that she must marry King Gorgy of neighbouring Dorsa to create an alliance between the two nations.On her first visit to Dorsa, Zosina is greeted by the beguiling and handsome Prince Regent. By contrast, her betrothed, the King, is wild and disagreeable. For the sake of her people, Zosina must go ahead with the marriage with a hope that someone warmer hides beneath the King's hard exterior. Yet, the longer she spends in Dorsa, the greater her fear that the Prince Regent has her heart.A tense and romantic love triangle with a dramatic twist. "Bride to the King" is an action-packed regency romance, perfect for fans of Georgette Heyer, Julia Quinn, and Jenny Hambly.

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Názov: Bride to the King (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK105256

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