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Snowflakes Over Holly Cove (EN)

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Vaša predajná cena: 13,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Snowflakes Over Holly Cove (EN)

The perfect Christmas romance. As the snowflakes start to fall, Holly Cove welcomes a new tenant to the beautiful old cottage on the beach... For lifestyle magazine journalist Tia Armstrong, relationships, as well as Christmas, have lost all their magic. Yet Tia is up against a Christmas deadline for her latest article 'Love is, actually, all around...'So, Tia heads to Holly Cove where the restorative sea air and rugged stranger, Nic, slowly but surely start mending her broken heart. Tia didn't expect a white Christmas, and she certainly never dared dream that all her Christmas wishes might just come true... Set in Caswell Bay on the stunningly beautiful Gower Coast, the cottage nestles amid the limestone cliffs and the woodlands, where the emotions run as turbulently as the wind-swept sea.As cosy as a marshmallow-topped mug of cocoa, fall in love with a heart-warming festive story from the bestselling author of "The French Adventure".

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Názov: Snowflakes Over Holly Cove (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104804

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