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The City of Second Chances (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The City of Second Chances (EN)

Has she already met The One? What if Mr Right had come along at the wrong time...?Evie Grant is forty-five years old, a widow, and single mum of two children about to leave the nest. Suddenly alone in the family home, Evie realizes she hates her job, hardly goes out and hasn't had a date since who knows when... So it feels like fate when the opportunity arises for a girls trip to New York City. Staying with her sister on the Upper East Side, Evie is enchanted by a snow-covered city consumed by preparing for Christmas.Bobble hat firmly on, Evie is walking through the city one day when she bumps into Daniel Roberts, Hollywood heartthrob and one-time boyfriend of hers. It's now or never for Evie – but could she open her heart to the possibility of a new beginnings and true happiness once again...?Funny, real and wonderfully romantic, this is the perfect feel-good read to keep you warm this winter!

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The City of Second Chances (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104736

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