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Christmas at the Borrow a Bookshop Holiday (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Christmas at the Borrow a Bookshop Holiday (EN)

With just two weeks until Christmas, everything in Clove Lore should be perfect. But the latest holiday-maker to the Borrow a Bookshop is feeling far from festive...Icelandic ex-bookseller Magnús Sturluson might be surrounded by love stories in the Bookshop, but he’s nursing a sadness that not even fiction can fix.When Alexandra Robinson winds up stranded in Clove Lore, she finds a safe place to hide from heartbreak. After all, all that’s waiting for her at home is a cheater boyfriend and the memories of her parents.As Alex is slowly embraced by the quirky village community, she finds her tough exterior thawing – and as she grows closer to Magnús, she discovers an equally soft heart under his gruff shell.However, when a great flood on Christmas Eve brings devastation in its wake, it’s up to Magnús and Alex to batten down the hatches, help bring the village back together again, and introduce the locals to the Icelandic tradition of the jólabókaflóð – Yule book flood.Can Magnús and Alex rescue the ruins of the village and salvage their Christmas spirit? Or is there another problem lurking even closer than they thought?A totally uplifting read that will lighten the winter gloom, for fans of Jenny Colgan and Trisha Ashley. Booklovers will adore this seasonal treat!

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Názov: Christmas at the Borrow a Bookshop Holiday (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104552

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