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Christmas Wishes at Pudding Hall (EN)

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Vaša predajná cena: 13,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Christmas Wishes at Pudding Hall (EN)

Wrap yourself in the taste of Christmas with this fantastic festive romance!Christa Playfoot is looking for a fresh start after her divorce. Having lost her Michelin-starred restaurant, she hadn't expected to be job hunting and single just before Christmas. When her best friend says she's recommended Christa for a gig as a private chef over the Christmas period, Christa can't think of a reason to say no.Christa has no idea what to expect but it's certainly not grumpy billionaire divorcee Marc Ferrier and his rambunctious twin sons, or the beautiful but cheerless country estate, Pudding Hall, that they inhabit. With her knack for pouring love into her cooking, Christa is determined to make this Christmas sparkle for the Ferrier family and maybe get her life back on track in the process...

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Názov: Christmas Wishes at Pudding Hall (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104551

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