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The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm (EN)

The scent of pine fills the crisp air as local villagers select their perfect tree. Picking the tree is the easy bit, creating a perfect Christmas is a bit trickier....Nina has the most magical job in the world, matching customers with their perfect Christmas tree. Working at Christmas Tree Farm is always fun and full of laughter but the weight of past tragedy bears down on her. Her admirer is a great distraction, but is he the right man for her?Holly is just trying to be a normal teenager, having to deal with the mean girls in her class. But then the most handsome boy at school takes an interest in her. Have all her Christmases come at once?Angie is trying to bring her family together and save her broken marriage. It's not something she can force, but it's the only gift she craves. Will her Christmas wish come true?It's the season of goodwill, and at Christmas Tree Farm anything could happen...

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104550

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