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The Beachside Christmas (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Beachside Christmas (EN)

Snow is falling and there’s romance in the air. Curl up for a cosy Christmas by the fire at Seaview Cottage...When thirty-year-old Lily Ambrose’s latest relationship ends in disaster, she remembers happy childhood holidays in the seaside town of Shipley and decides it’s the perfect place for a fresh start.But when Lily arrives, the town’s spirits are as low as her own: the local celebrity due to turn on the Christmas lights has gone on a cruise instead. Keen to prove herself, she calls in a favour and secures gorgeous reality star Ollie.Lily’s neighbours are initially thrilled, but Ollie is as uncontrollable as he is good-looking. He can’t remember the town’s name, calls the Christmas decorations tacky, and manages to offend everyone. And whilst handsome but stubborn cameraman Craig tries to help, even he can’t stop Ollie’s madcap plans to stage a romance with Lily...Will Lily be able to keep Ollie under control and bring the Christmas cheer back to Shipley – and find herself a real kiss under the mistletoe?Perfect for fans of Phillipa Ashley, Cathy Bramley and Debbie Johnson.

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Názov: The Beachside Christmas (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104549

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