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A Christmas Wish and a Cranberry Kiss at the Cosy Kettle (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Christmas Wish and a Cranberry Kiss at the Cosy Kettle (EN)

Amidst the twinkling lights and falling snowflakes, Becca has a wish to make this Christmas... Running from heartbreak, twenty-five-year-old Becca has moved to the cosy village of Honeyford. Living with her best friend Zac in a little stone cottage, and serving gingerbread lattes at the Cosy Kettle, is the perfect escape from her past.But starting over isn’t always plain sailing, and Becca’s shyness is holding her back from making her mark on the café. To make matters worse, her crush on blond-haired, blue-eyed local heartthrob Logan gets stronger by the day – but he can barely remember her name. So as Christmas rolls around, Becca has one big wish: to completely reinvent herself.As she gets a makeover, cosies up to Logan over mulled wine and plans the most festive celebration the café has ever seen, Becca wonders why she waited so long to step out of her comfort zone... Zac, on the other hand, thought she was perfect before.When Logan turns out to not be all he seems, Becca is left wondering if he’s really the one for her. With her party plans also going awry, can Becca save her beloved Cosy Kettle in time for Christmas? And has the key to her happiness been in front of her all along?

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Názov: A Christmas Wish and a Cranberry Kiss at the Cosy Kettle (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104545

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