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The Mistletoe Pact (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Mistletoe Pact (EN)

Two single thirty-year-olds. One marriage pact. And a night in Vegas that’s about to change everything...On Christmas Eve eight years ago Evie and Dan made a pact: if they weren’t married by thirty, they were going to marry each other. Of course, neither of them took it seriously, even if Dan has always been mesmerised by Evie’s beautiful smile, and Evie has always fancied Dan, her best-friend’s brother.But then "it" happens. They wake up on Christmas Eve, the night before Evie’s thirtieth birthday in Vegas... married. In a honeymoon suite filled with hundreds of heart-shaped pillows, they realise too late what they’ve done.Surely if they just get a quickie divorce, they can go back to the way things used to be, right? Except moving on is easier said than done when you've secretly loved each other forever... but if one of them doesn’t admit that, what happens to their friendship? If they don’t get together this time, what happens to the pact? Are they really ready to let it go for good?Fall in love this Christmas with this feel-good story about love and second chances. Fans of One Day in December, This Time Next Year and Beth O’Leary will adore The Mistletoe Pact.

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Názov: The Mistletoe Pact (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104544

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