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The Little Shop on Silver Linings Street (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Little Shop on Silver Linings Street (EN)

Daisy Turner has worked at Buchanan’s Family Jewellers since the day she finally escaped her troubled home. With a unique talent for matching the perfect piece of jewellery to any romantic milestone, she painstakingly polishes each stunning creation every morning and safely locks them away each night, longing for the day she’ll have a love story to call her own...But everything changes one day in December when the owner announces she is retiring. She will leave the shop to whichever of her three sons creates the perfect piece of Christmas jewellery for Daisy.In danger of losing the job that once saved her, Daisy is catapulted out of her comfort zone as each of the brothers sweeps her off her feet to find out what her heart truly desires. Between ice-skating, starlight shopping and cosy candle-lit dinners, it’s only handsome and guarded youngest brother Kit who really seems to be listening. Because Daisy has a secret. Every night, when the shop closes, she lays out her tools in neat rows and creates sparkling designs of her own...As Christmas Day approaches, Daisy’s growing feelings for Kit fill her with a confidence she never knew she had. But as the brothers present their elaborate gemstone masterpieces, she’s in for the shock of her life..Was Kit using her to get ahead in the competition all along? Or has he truly worked out the one thing she has always longed for?They say all good things come in small packages, but the best things don’t need wrapping at all...Readers adore The Little Shop on Silver Linings Street:‘Really wonderful... Full of charm, romance, great characters, and magic settings... will get you in the mood to put your Christmas tree up early.’ - Netgalley reviewer‘Grab a cup of hot chocolate and a throw, curl up in your favourite chair and enjoy this story! It is a winner.’ - Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Little Shop on Silver Linings Street (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104535

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