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The Christmas Menagerie (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Christmas Menagerie (EN)

Amelia usually loves Christmas, but this year is her first one alone since her husband passed away – though she's not quite by herself.Somehow, she's been lumbered with a menagerie of pets over the holidays, no thanks to the new village vet closing the local kennels. Between a parrot, two tortoises, and god-knows-how-many baby mice, Amelia ends up seeing a lot more of Jules the vet than she planned to. And despite her neighbours' fury for the man who shut down a local institution, she can't help enjoying every moment she spends with Jules.She tells herself it doesn't really matter as Jules will surely be driven out of the village by this time next year. But as Amelia's about to discover... love isn't just for Christmas!A cosy and snow-filled read that will warm your heart, this novel is perfect for readers who love a Christmassy romance.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Christmas Menagerie (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104389

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