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Bella's Christmas Bake Off (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Bella's Christmas Bake Off (EN)

Two best friends. One big lie. The best bake-off EVER.Bella Bradley is the queen of television baking – a national treasure. Her Christmas specials have been topping the ratings for years and her marriage to Peter ‘Silver Fox’ Bradley is the stuff of Hello magazine specials. But this year things are going to be different.For Amy Lane, Bella’s best friend from school, life hasn’t held quite the same sparkle. And when Amy’s husband walks out three weeks from Christmas, it seems their lives are further apart than ever.Amy has watched Bella’s rise to fame fondly, despite the fact Bella was always a terrible cook. But when she realises that Bella’s latest Christmas book is made up entirely of Amy’s mother’s recipes, the gloves are off... After winning a competition to appear on Bella’s TV show, Amy is going to make sure that for Bella and her viewers, this will definitely be a Christmas to remember...A hilarious, heart-breaking and feel-good read about best friends, baking and the magic of Christmas.

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Názov: Bella's Christmas Bake Off (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104387

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