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Snow Angels, Secrets and Christmas Cake (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Snow Angels, Secrets and Christmas Cake (EN)

Snow Angels, Secrets and Christmas Cake is a truly heart-warming and hilarious read about sisters, love and finding the courage to be yourself – one snowflake at a time.For Tamsin Angel, Christmas is always the biggest and best... chic parties and a little showbiz sparkle are a must. This year though, things aren’t going quite as planned...With bailiffs suddenly at the door and her husband nowhere to be found, it looks like Christmas just got downsized. Moving into her sister’s flat, she wonders whether things will ever be the same again.After losing her husband on Christmas Eve, Sam Angel has rebuilt her life around her son Jacob and her new business – The White Angel Bakery. She’s also found herself a very handsome, loving boyfriend, but is struggling to let go of the past.Thrown together with a sprinkle of Christmas magic, Sam and Tamsin might just learn a little more about each other – and themselves. But when disaster strikes at the bakery, will they be able to save the day in time for Christmas?

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Snow Angels, Secrets and Christmas Cake (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104383

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