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The Railway Children - a Children's Classic (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Railway Children - a Children's Classic (EN)

Listen to the book that inspired the upcoming film 'The Railway Children Return' starring Jenny Agutter, John Bradley, Tom Courtenay and BAFTA-winning actress Sheridan Smith.When Roberta, Phyllis and Peter's father is accused of being a spy and sent to prison, the children and their mother are forced to leave their comfortable city life for the countryside. They move into a small cottage called "Three Chimneys" close to a railway station.As the children settle into their new home, the railway soon becomes the centre of their lives: promising new friends, plenty of adventures, and perhaps even the key to bringing their father home..."The Railway Children" is a heart-warming, timeless classic of friendship, family and bravery.

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Názov: The Railway Children - a Children's Classic (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104340

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