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Daughters of Magpie Cove (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Daughters of Magpie Cove (EN)

"Connie stared out at the quiet Cornish sea as the hazy early morning light bathed the horizon in a beautiful golden glow. She inhaled the salty, cleansing ocean air, looked down at the handwritten note and wiped away the lone tear that had started to fall..."Connie hasn’t been back to Magpie Cove – a seaside fishing village nestled between the cliffs – for years. When she thinks of the cove’s cobbled streets and cheerful cottages, she has to fight to push down memories she’d rather keep buried in the past.When her mother unexpectedly calls with news that makes her heart sink, Connie is torn. The tiny museum that’s been in her family for generations will have to close if they can’t find a way to save it. The sepia photographs and smuggling memorabilia are precious to the village, and determined to preserve their shared history, she knows it is finally time to go home.The dusty old museum, tucked away down a narrow, twisting lane, needs more than a coat of paint to bring the tourists back in. Soon Connie is in her element, creating charming new exhibits on local legends. She’s even thinking of offering boat tours around the beautiful caves along the shore.A chance encounter with handsome entrepreneur Alex Gordon leaves Connie breathless. With his dark eyes and broad chest, he is not at all who she expected to meet. And Alex’s offer to help Connie with the museum only brings them closer. Perhaps embracing a new start in her old home isn’t the worst idea she’s ever had...But just as Connie starts to feel like she could have a future in Magpie Cove, the one person she has tried to forget resurfaces, putting the museum’s safety and her happiness at risk. What happened all those years ago has always stopped her from opening her heart. Can Connie finally find the strength to move on with Alex, or will she be forced to run again, this time for good?

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Daughters of Magpie Cove (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104299

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