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Love Leaves at Midnight (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Love Leaves at Midnight (EN)

With her flaming red hair and emerald green eyes, Xenia's unusual beauty makes her unique in any crowd. That is until she unexpectedly meets her long-lost cousin, Johanna, amidst the wreckage of a railway accident.Incredulous at finding her mirror image and desperate for a friend, Johanna begs Xenia to swap lives for two weeks. She wishes to spend two weeks with the Englishman she loves before her arranged royal marriage and her cousin can't help but agree.Surrounded by servants and diplomats, Xenia does her best to assume her cousin's Royal role and prays that her true identity will not be discovered as she travels to Luthenia. There, Xenia is instantly plunged into a world of political intrigue and drama a million miles away from the quiet life she previously enjoyed in the English countryside. And then there's King István of Luthenia, Johanna's betrothed, a handsome European prince...As the Luthenian Court prepares for a grand State wedding which promises to quell rumours of revolution and cement political allegiances, the two cousins find themselves in a precarious situation. How will they return to their old lives, and what if they don't want to...?Immensely entertaining, fast-packed historical adventure, with a classic, swoon-worthy regency romance at the heart. Perfect for fans of Julia Quinn, Georgette Heyer and Lisa Kleypas.

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Názov: Love Leaves at Midnight (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104294

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