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You Drive Me Crazy (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: You Drive Me Crazy (EN)

From best-selling Italian romance author, Anna Premoli, a fun, feisty romance, perfect for fans of Emily Henry, Ava Wilder and Christina Lauren. What girl doesn’t dream of an amazing promotion working on the other side of the world? This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is presented to 28-year-old investment banker, Maddison Johnson and instantly fills her with abject fear. It isn't the New York transfer she had set her heart on... she's going to South Korea, instead. To make things worse, her boss Mark Kim doesn't go out of his way to make it easy for her to adapt to her new environment. Plunged into a world she knows nothing about with a man she can't stand, Maddison finds herself forced to adapt and grow up quickly. Maybe in the process she will stumble over something wonderful and quite unexpected... What people are saying about "You Drive Me Crazy": "Ludicrous, crazy and insanely funny!" Tale Out Loud."It was funny, sexy, witty, I could not stop laughing"."Just finished! And I have heart-shaped eyes and a stupid smile."-Anna Premoli was born in Croatia and lives in Milan, where she graduated in economics at the Bocconi. She has worked at JP Morgan and, since 2004, for a private bank. Mathematics has always been her strong point of hers; writing came by chance, as an 'anti-stress method' during her pregnancy. "Love to Hate You" stayed at the top of the bestseller lists for months and won the 2013 Bancarella Prize.

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Názov: You Drive Me Crazy (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104265

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