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Fates and Fortunes in Little Woodford (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Fates and Fortunes in Little Woodford (EN)

Summer is approaching in the market town of Little Woodford, which can only mean one thing: the town fete! But the winds of change are blowing through the sleepy town high street and trouble is on the horizon... Two hot properties have come up for sale: The Talbot, Little Woodford's much-loved local pub and The Reeve House, a beautiful country manor cut off from the rest of the town and closed to the community. A 'for sale' sign means new members of the community, and gossip begins to fly about an offer on the Reeve House... who could be the new millionaire in their midst? Meanwhile, Heather, Jacqui and Miranda are desperately trying to organize the fete as an opportunity to bring the town together. But devastation strikes when a newcomer threatens to derail the whole operation. The fourth novel in the fantastic Little Woodford series; full of drama, secrets and community spirit, you'll love this foray into small town living!

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Názov: Fates and Fortunes in Little Woodford (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104261

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