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A Summer of New Beginnings (EN)

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Vaša predajná cena: 13,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Summer of New Beginnings (EN)

Meet Zara Bailey, a travel writer paid to cover some of the globe's most luxurious locations. Jetting from wooden huts on stilts in turquoise seas to boutique hotels with roaring fires to 7* penthouse suites with panoramic views of the world's most glamorous cities...Zara knows hers is the definition of a dream job! So she is seriously shocked to receive her next assignment; Scotland's Northcoast 500 route. By bicycle. Sleeping in a tent so basic it can't remotely be dressed up glamping!But this could be just the distraction the recently heartbroken Zara needs. No men, no romance, just the breathtakingly rugged Highland scenery. Until she meets croft owner Lachlan Grant, and his black and white Border Collie Bess, that is... Praise for Lisa Hobman: 'Lisa Hobman has written a sparkling, enchanting romantic comedy, all in the bonniest of settings – I loved it' Lulu Taylor, "Sunday Times" bestselling author. The stunning new story from the bestselling author of "What Becomes of the Broken Hearted". Perfect for fans of Lucy Diamond, Sarah Morgan and Holly Martin.'Heartwarming and uplifting' Heidi Swain. 'This is a story to fall in love with, a triumph of love over loss, hope over heartache and ultimately a tale that will lift your spirits and leave you smiling at the end!' Faith Hogan. -Lisa's debut novel was shortlisted in the 2014 RNA. Her stories centre around believable, yet down to earth characters and the places in Scotland she has visited and fallen in love with.

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Názov: A Summer of New Beginnings (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK103096

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