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Shield Breaker (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Shield Breaker (EN)

Styrkar the warrior sails to dangerous lands in this thrilling new adventure by Richard Cullen.Following William of Normandy's invasion of England, the remnants of King Harold Godwinson's family have fled to Ireland. Styrkar, Harold's most loyal housecarl, seeks the dead king's older sons there, but finds himself in the midst of a plot to kill Harold's widow and her baby son.Still loyal to his dead master, Styrkar flees to England with the dowager and her baby, but soon finds his loyalties at breaking point. He makes common cause with old friend Eadnoth – another one of Harold's loyal men who has gone over to the Conqueror's side – but in the midst of battle against Harold's sons, Styrkar must make a life-changing choice – to stand with his brothers in arms, or his brother by blood?So begins a journey that will take Styrkar from the dungeons of his enemies to the royal courts of the north, for loyalty, love and vengeance – can any man keep the Wolf of Kings chained for long?

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Shield Breaker (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK103095

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