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Songs for Your Mother (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Songs for Your Mother (EN)

When Johnny meets Lauren in a bar in Santa Cruz, there's an instant connection. On an American road trip with best friend Will, Johnny promises to return to the girl who has stolen his heart. Until tragedy strikes, forcing Johnny to fly back home without ever seeing Lauren again.Six years later, Johnny is living his life in London, even if he's never forgotten the girl with the grey eyes and dark hair.Until one September morning, he opens his door to find a little boy standing there - a child, Johnny quickly comes to learn, who was created that one magical night. Lauren is dying, and her last wish is to reunite five-year-old Luke with the father he doesn't yet know.Thrown into unexpected parenthood, Johnny finds himself navigating school-gate politics, Disney movies and tantrums, guided by the notes Lauren has written for him. Life as an instant dad isn't always easy, but as Johnny and Luke open their hearts to each other, Johnny is about to discover that life's joy isn't always where you expected it.An emotional, feel-good read that will have you laughing while you wipe away a tear - readers of Dani Atkins, Mike Gayle and Jojo Moyes will be captivated."Delightful. Pulled at my heart strings. I would totally recommend this as a feel-good book." - Reader Review"What a beautifully emotive read. The perfect feel-good read that will make you laugh and cry." - Reader Review

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Názov: Songs for Your Mother (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK103092

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