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The One Who's Not the One (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The One Who's Not the One (EN)

Cat’s life has hit a brick wall. Since her ex ditched her without ceremony five years ago she’s quit stand-up comedy, landed in a steady but dull job, and lives in a tiny flat with roommates she knows only as The One Who Eats All My Food and The One Who Has Really Loud Sex.So when she bumps into old friend Harvey and sparks fly, Cat is surprised – and horrified, because Harvey is her ex’s brother, and so absolutely, 100% off-limits romantically. Even if his dimples do make her insides fizz... When she’s offered a new job abroad, Cat is tempted to accept – and leave her depressing flat and mess of a love life behind her. But will running away from her problems really solve them?A hilarious rom com about falling in love, falling out of love, and finding out who you really are. Fans of Jenny Colgan, Marian Keyes and Mhairi McFarlane will love Keris Stainton!Read what everyone is saying about The One Who's Not the One:‘I absolutely loved this book! I was laughing out loud at certain scenes and when I tried to go to bed I ended up giggling myself into a fit thinking about them. Absolutely amazing... A delightful, HILARIOUS book.’ - Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars‘A fabulous feel-good read... This book had me in tears, both happy and sad ones in equal doses! It had me hooked from the first page and it certainly had me laughing out loud unashamedly!’ - Stardust Book Reviews‘I absolutely adored this book from start to finish. All the characters were so lovable and the story was lovely and totally laugh-out-loud funny... I love funny and heartwarming love stories so this ticked all my boxes.’ - Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘I couldn’t put it down. It’s funny, engaging and thoroughly relatable. I really enjoyed it. It’s got some genuinely laugh-out-loud moments while being full of real heart as well. Loved it!’ - Bibliophile Book Club.

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Názov: The One Who's Not the One (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK103089

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