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The Sugar Planter's Daughter (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Sugar Planter's Daughter (EN)

As the white daughter of a sugar plantation owner, Winnie Cox had everything: money, privilege, comfort. But in British Guyana in 1912, Winnie chose love over luxury.Winnie married George Quint, the love of her life - a poor black postman from the slums. While she lived in poverty with her husband, Winnie's sister Johanna ran the plantation and harboured deep resentment towards Winnie, always her mother’s favourite daughter. When Winnie's son becomes ill and she travels to find a cure, Johanna falls for George. But he is only interested in Winnie and Johanna's resentment turns to burning hatred and a determination to exact devastating revenge.'The Sugar Planter's Daughter' is a gripping and moving story of secrets, lies, love and betrayal that will appeal to fans of Dinah Jefferies and Kate Furnivall.What readers are saying about 'The Sugar Planter's Daughter':'The writing is stunningly evocative and sensual... I just felt immersed in the story and setting from the start.' - The Book Trail'A page-turning story, full of humanity, crossing cultures and continents, reminiscent of Andrea Levy.’ - Katie Fforde

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Názov: The Sugar Planter's Daughter (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK103069

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