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The Orphan of India (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Orphan of India (EN)

Living on the streets of Bombay, Jyothi has no-one to turn to after her mother is involved in a tragic accident. But after a chance meeting with Monika and Jack Kingsley, Jyothi’s life changes forever when the young couple decide to adopt her. The new family return to England, but Jyothi finds it difficult to adapt. As Monika and Jack’s relationship fractures, Jyothi is more alone than ever and music becomes her solace. But even when her extraordinary musical talent transforms into a promising career, Jyothi still doesn’t feel like she belongs. Then a turbulent love affair causes her to question everything. And Jyothi realises that before she can embrace her future, she must confront the pain of her past...'A page-turning story, full of humanity, crossing cultures and continents.’ - Author Katie Fforde

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Orphan of India (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK103067

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