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A Bumpy Year (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Bumpy Year (EN)

Trish Kirkpatrick never expected to find herself unmarried, pregnant... and not entirely sure who the baby's father is.With her ex, Pete, and her colleague, Elliot, in line for daddy duty while waiting on the DNA results, Trish finds her complicated world getting even more chaotic when a meet-cute on a plane to Tokyo with gorgeous architect Scott sparks a new flame.Now, as her bump grows so do Trish's troubles. Between family issues reappearing on her doorstep and the delivery date fast approaching, Trish will need to make up her mind not only on who she wants to be but who she wants to become.Praise for Olivia Spooner:'Wonderful... Will keep you turning the pages and before you know it you are on the final chapter... Utterly likeable characters and a lovely book' - NetGalley reviewer on A Way Back to Happy'FIVE STARS! I flew through it in two days and hated putting it down. I admittedly stayed reading up way too much reading when I should have been sleeping. I loved the story but loved the characters even more... I could almost feel tightness in my own chest and heart, and tears in my own eyes' - Goodreads reviewer on A Way Back to Happy

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Názov: A Bumpy Year (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102716

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