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The Perfect Hideaway (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Perfect Hideaway (EN)

Annie Martin is thrilled to have moved from the hectic buzz of L.A. to the small town of Hillsboro, Northern California, where the most happening bar only plays honky-tonk and nowhere does a good matcha latte. But the best thing about Hillsboro? The Anderson sisters. At their noisy family dinners, Annie can almost forget the mistakes she made back in the city, trying to fit in. Annie has repaid the sisters’ friendship with some obvious-but-effective matchmaking and now there’s only one Anderson still looking for love. But Rose is surprisingly prickly about an enforced happy-ever-after, and when a meticulously planned meet-cute ends drenched in the town fountain, Annie realizes this project calls for someone with a deeper knowledge of the Hillsboro bachelors.Local reporter and all-around grouch George Barnett has been a thorn in Annie’s side since she came to town. He knows all too well that everyone has secrets and he thinks the story of why social media darling Annie Martin swapped stilettos for sneakers might be the scoop that makes his career. Annie is sure her skeletons are under triple lock and key, so she offers him an exclusive, if he’ll help her find a match for Rose.But the more George and Annie try to control the love lives around them, the less they’re able to sway their own hearts. As Annie’s infectious laugh begins to bring down George’s barrier of surliness, can he open his heart and let her in for real? And can Annie be brave enough to trust the man who could be her future, with the secrets of her past?A heart-warming story of friendship and finding love in the most unlikely of places, fans of Robyn Carr, Debbie Macomber and Carolyn Brown will adore The Perfect Hideaway.Readers love The Perfect Hideaway:"I love this series... heartwarming and uplifting, it made me laugh and root for the characters but it also moved me to tears because it’s the story of two hurt and lonely people who meet and change their life." - Scrapping and Playing, 5 stars"A wonderfully heartfelt and charming novel. If you enjoy the lovey, butterflies in your stomach and heart melting moments Hallmark movies deliver, then you’re going to absolutely love this... wonderful romance novel that shouldn’t be missed." - Tamsterdam Reads, 5 stars"Feel-good romance that genuinely had me laughing out loud!...The perfect book to read whilst you’re chilling with your feet up and a glass of wine/cup of tea!" - Curled Up With a Good Book, 5 stars

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Názov: The Perfect Hideaway (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102710

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