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Sweet Pea Summer (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Sweet Pea Summer (EN)

Can you ever really forget your first love?It’s been eight long years since May Anderson’s high school sweetheart Tom Riley drove down Main Street in his truck, leaving Hillsboro—and May—in his rearview mirror. Now he’s back and, try as they might, the pair can’t avoid each other.As Hillsboro prepares to host the prestigious North West Food and Wine Festival, Tom and May are reluctantly called in to plan the big event. Tom needs May’s help to repair his bad-boy reputation and, with the whole town counting on them, May and Tom need to learn to trust each other again.May is determined to protect her heart, but a lot has changed since high school. She can’t help but notice how the skinny boy she used to know is now a man who perfectly fills out his button-down, and Tom can’t seem to tear his gaze away from May’s sweet smile. It’s clear old feelings are surfacing again, but there is a secret keeping them apart and, until they find the courage to face it, their second chance summer will be only that...A heartwarming story about first love, family and the importance of second chances. Fans of Jenny Hale, Debbie Macomber and Robyn Carr will adore Sweet Pea Summer.Readers love Sweet Pea Summer: "I binge-read this book... Very charming setting in a charming town. Highly recommend this great summer read!" - Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars"Read as fast as I could. It's a heartwarming read perfect for escaping from these bleak times and I thoroughly enjoyed it."- Scrapping and Playing, 5 stars"Right away, I knew I was going to love Sweet Pea Summer... It set a standard of charm, romance, and lovability that will be incredibly difficult for other summer reads to outdo."- Tamsterdam Reads, 5 stars"I loved this book. Great storyline, characters, humor, romance and emotions. Everything I look for in a great book. This is one book you need to read and enjoy." - Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars"Tugged on my heartstrings... I loved every minute I spent reading this adorable story... my heart was aching... Such a sweet heart-warming story"- Audio Killed the Bookmark

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Názov: Sweet Pea Summer (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102709

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