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The Lily Garden (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Lily Garden (EN)

She held the letter that she had found in the garden, and noticed the distinctive curls of her father’s handwriting etched on the worn paper. Her life had already been turned upside down by one family secret, would his last words force her to leave her childhood home forever? When Caroline left Lake Summers thirty years ago, she thought she’d never go back to the place where she lost her parents. But when she finds out that the town’s lily garden lovingly built by her mother is going to be destroyed, she knows fate is calling. Dropping everything at her office in Chicago, she knows she is the only person who can save the garden.Caroline and her daughter Lee are welcomed home by the warm smile of her mother’s best friend Maxine, and piles of pancakes at her cozy little restaurant in town. And Caroline soon learns that she isn’t the only person invested in saving her mother’s legacy, when she meets handsome historian Aaron. As she gets to know him, strolling along the sparkling lakeshore, she can’t imagine anywhere else she’d rather be.But then Caroline learns a terrible secret about the day her mother died. And soon the real reason Aaron is in Lake Summers comes to light. Will the truth about the people she loves force her to give up a future with Aaron, and the beautiful town that has always been in her heart?An utterly uplifting and heart-warming story about forgiveness and family. Perfect for fans of Carolyn Brown, Joanne Harris, and Mary Alice Monroe.What readers are saying about The Lily Garden:"I devoured this beauty in a day! Talk about being hooked to a book! This one did it to me! Had me from the first page and didn't let go! I loved these characters they were realistic and raw! The story also had me wrapped. Looking for a light-hearted read that will tug at the heart? Read this book!" - Goodreads reviewer"An uplifting, refreshing romance novel that leaves you with a fuzziness after you finish reading it... a story of family, friends, forgiveness and second chances. A refreshing summer read.’- Netgalley reviewer"Another uplifting, and heart-warming book about small-town life, families, and friendship. It’s perfect for a light summer read, and you’ll fall in love with the small town of Lake Summers and the townsfolk who inhabit it... sweet and realistic. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a sweet summer romance." - The Bashful BookwormThe Author's previous series has sold over 12,000 copies-Barbara Josselsohn is an award-winning journalist and novelist. Her novels center around second chances, family relationships and, of course, romance. She is the author of the Lake Summers series set in the fictional town of Lake Summers, nestled in the Adirondacks Mountains, which includes the books The Lilac House and The Bluebell Girls. She lives just north of New York City.

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Názov: The Lily Garden (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102706

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