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Summer Flings and Dancing Dreams (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Summer Flings and Dancing Dreams (EN)

A laugh-out-loud, uplifting comedy about finding the courage to be yourself, the importance of dreams, and learning to grab life by the glitter balls.Dance like nobody’s watching. Love like you’ll never get hurt... Laura Watkin’s heart isn’t broken, she’s just forgotten how to use it.After years on her own, the highlight of single mum Laura’s week is watching Strictly Come Dancing with a glass of Pinot Grigio and a large helping of imagination.With her daughter Sophie going travelling, Laura knows the time is right to do something for herself for a change. One disastrous Zumba class later and Laura ends up at the feet (literally) of gorgeous dance instructor Tony Hernandez.A natural dancer and inspiring teacher, Tony rekindles in Laura a passion she inherited from her ballroom dancer father – and with it comes a dream... to make him proud. But when Tony enters them to perform at the National Dance Festival, can Laura’s new-found confidence survive the test? And with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn Flamenco in Spain, could Laura truly learn to dance like nobody’s watching... and love like she’ll never get hurt?What readers are saying about Summer Flings and Dancing Dreams...‘Ms. Watson wouldn’t be our favourite rom-com queen without her unique writing style and laugh-out-loud moments. I was reading alone in my yard and laughed so loud that my neighbour who was cutting the grass in his yard, stopped the machine and looked at me, all puzzled... Enjoy this wonderful book!’ - This Chick Reads‘I am a HUGE fan of Sue Watson and if you have a rather filthy sense of humour, and like a good giggle her books don’t fail to raise a smile... By the time I finished this book I wanted to book myself on a trip to Grenada to see all the sexy Spanish men and women dancing Flamenco.’- Best Crime Books and More‘This book really has everything - laughter, fulfilling dreams, sexy strangers in exotic gorgeous settings, friendships and pretty dresses!... A total 5* read for me - and would love to read this sat around a pool or on a beach listening to the waves crashing on the shore!’- Bookworms and Shutterbugs

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Názov: Summer Flings and Dancing Dreams (EN)

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