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The Lost Wife (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Lost Wife (EN)

Fans of Sheila O’Flanagan, Amanda Prowse and Jojo Moyes will love The Lost Wife, the compelling story of a woman’s deepest secrets, and the friends and family who must learn to live without her.When Ellie Moran passes away, she leaves her newborn son and husband Ed behind her. Their marriage was perfect, their lives everything they had hoped for. So why was Ellie keeping secrets from Ed?Knowing he can never ask his wife the truth, Ed is struggling to cope. When the secrets threaten to tear his whole family apart, Ed turns to Rachel, the one person who sees him as more than just Ellie’s widower.But then Rachel discovers something Ellie was hiding, something that would break Ed’s heart. Can Rachel help Ed to find peace without the wife he lost – and a second chance at happiness?Read what everyone is saying about 'The Lost Wife':‘An incredible, beautiful story of loss, love, forgiveness, moving on, overcoming grief, redemption and above all, hope.’ - Renita D’Silva‘Heartbreaking... I was absorbed... I put down the book thinking "This is it. This was perfect." Emotional doesn't even begin to describe this story... The Lost Wife is an exceptional and poignant tale of love.’ - Chocolate ‘n’ Waffles, 5 stars‘This stunning book blew me away, I couldn’t put it down... I was hooked from the start... This book has everything! It’s very emotional, touching and moving!... A magnificent story.’ - Simona’s Corner of Dreams, 5 stars-Anna spent almost twenty years trying to shoehorn writing in to her career as a marketing manager for dance and theatre companies. Eventually, she did what you are not remotely supposed to do and walked away from an excellent job in order to try and become a published author. Three years, lots of tears and some slightly hairy bank balances later, she met Kirsty Greenwood and the rest, as they say, is history. Anna lives in Cornwall with her husband and two kids. She feels very fortunate!

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Názov: The Lost Wife (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102574

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