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Smurfs: Storytime Collection 2 (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Smurfs: Storytime Collection 2 (EN)

In the second collection of Smurf stories, get ready for five new adventures! Travel to space, help fight a dragon, and hear about a magic mirror - but be careful, Gargamel is always lurking, ready to make trouble. Smurfs up! So put on your shiniest spacesuit and join the Smurf fun with tales filled with magic, potions and shiny crystal balls. A collection that is sure to delight with tales about friendship, trolls, and evil kings. "The Smurfs - Storytime Collection 2" is perfect for early readers, reluctant readers, and older fans, who just want to indulge in some good old 80's nostalgia.Get ready for adventures in Smurf Village with all your favourites: Smurfette, Papa Smurf, Harmony, Hefty and all the other little, blue creatures. Hear what happens when Baker Smurf runs out of eggs for his cake, when Vanity Smurf’s reflection suddenly comes to life, or when Gargamel repeatedly tries to spoil the Smurfs' peaceful life with his evil plans and dangerous elixirs. Buckets of Smurf fun!The Smurfs were created in 1958 by the Belgian cartoonist Pierre "Peyo" Culliford. The small, blue creatures live together in small mushroom-like houses in a village deep in the forest. When they are not playing, building, eating, or inventing new things, they are meddling with the evil wizard Gargamel and his cat Azrael, who wants to get rid of them...The Smurfs and associated trademarks are owned by Peyo Creations. © 2022 Peyo Creations.

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Názov: Smurfs: Storytime Collection 2 (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102524

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