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Ask Me to Dance (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Ask Me to Dance (EN)

Rose Gregory has suffered a devastating blow, a double bereavement from which months later she is still reeling.Sanctuary and rest are prescribed by her doctor. But when she arrives at her refuge, a dank and decaying monastery, she finds it is not the haven promised.Despite the veneer of calm contemplation, the monastery turns out to be a hotbed of intrigue and disharmony. Rose witnesses bullying and cruelty and ultimately in defence of the vulnerable turns to violence herself.Sylvia Colley’s extraordinary understanding of a woman’s struggle to deal with grief – the denial, the anger, the loneliness – is described without sentimentality. A beautifully written and moving story.-Sylvia Colley was born in Romsey, Hampshire. She became a teacher and spent many years as Head of English at the Purcell School in North London.She has published a book of poetry, "It's Not What I Wanted Though", and a novel, "Lights on Dark Water". Her work has been read on BBC Radio 4. She lives in Pinner, Middlesex.

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Názov: Ask Me to Dance (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102492

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