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Lovers in Lisbon (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Lovers in Lisbon (EN)

Beautiful and penniless Felicita Galvão is destitue and all alone in the world when the Duchesse de Monreuil finds her desperately trying to sell her needlework at The Grand Hotel in Lisbon.Felicita reminds the Duchesse of herself as a young woman and the time she met the love of her life Juan, Marques de Oliveira Vasconles. The Marques later abandoned her to marry someone of equal ranking, leaving her heartbroken and bitter.Seeking a chance to finally get her revenge, the Duchesse brings Felicita into her home on the condition that she impersonates her niece, the Comtesse Felicity de Monreuil, and breaks the heart of the current Marques Alvaro, her long lost love's son.But it would seem both love or fate or both will come together to deny her vengeance.Perfect for fans of Catherine Cookson, Georgette Heyer, and Julia Quinn.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Lovers in Lisbon (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102117

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