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Secrets Never Told (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Secrets Never Told (EN)

A widow spends weeks haunting a cemetery, desperate to track down an unknown woman who keeps leaving flowers on her husband’s grave; A daughter searches a foreign city for her father, trying to understand why he disappeared forty-five years ago; A former gay lover of Roger Casement stands among the crowds at his state funeral in 1965, paying silent homage to the closeted world they were forced to inhabit at the dawning of the Irish State. A writer at a book launch comes face to face with the person secretly responsible for his success.Lyrical, haunting and irresistible, Dermot Bolger peers under the veneer of our lives,exploring the secrets that bind families together or tear them apart. Perfect for fans of Claire Keegan, John MaGahern, and Sef Hughes.-Born in Finglas, North Dublin, in 1959, Dermot Bolger is one of Ireland’s best-known writers across a range of genres. His fourteen novels include "The Journey Home", "The Family on Paradise Pier", "New Town Soul2, "Tanglewood" and "The Lonely Sea and Sky." He is also an accomplished playwright and poet, with his most recent play, "Last Orders At The Dockside", having a hugely successful, sold-out run at the Abbey Theatre.

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Názov: Secrets Never Told (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102069

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