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The Bluebell Girls (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Bluebell Girls (EN)

Returning home to her family’s little lake house is the perfect way for Jenna to escape her heartbreaking divorce. Her mother Sweet has been losing her memory and Jenna is sure that taking her daughter Sophie for a break with Sweet in Lake Summers, tucked under the Adirondack Mountains, is what they all need.Jenna finds comfort in lazy afternoons along the water, and during long nights overlooking their bluebell garden, she’s relieved to hear Sweet telling stories about her long-lost loves. Surrounded by family, it seems that some of Sweet’s memories have returned and Jenna knows she has made the right decision to come home. But when she meets handsome next-door neighbour Troy, she is reminded of a tragedy in her past she has tried hard to forget.Troy is the boy with whom Jenna shared her very first kiss—she’s relived that moment under the stars every night since she was seventeen. But though he once swept Jenna off her feet, he also broke her heart, and living next door to him for the summer feels impossible.But sometimes the only way to heal is with those who know you best, and despite her best efforts, Jenna is drawn to Troy again. With her family reunited at last and happier than ever before, is she finally brave enough to face up to her past, and settle down in Lake Summers forever?An unforgettable romance that will whisk you away to the sunny shores of Lake Summers. Perfect for fans of Carolyn Brown, Debbie Macomber, Mary Alice Monroe and anyone who’s ever dreamed of rekindling a long-lost love.What readers are saying about The Bluebell Girls:"I am at loss of words to explain how I felt about this. I loved the plot... the author has really done an amazing job in writing this wonderful book. Well done, you have written a wonderful masterpiece... will stay with me for a long time." - Goodreads reviewer."We would all love to be supported by the quirky characters of idyllic Lake Summers. I wish I could run away there myself! You will need to read The Bluebell Girls to find out their stories, and their story may just change your own."- Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars"I loved this book... such a great read, the characters were wonderful and the family story and secrets made this a page-turner. Now excuse me as I pack to move to Lake Summers." - Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars"Reading The Bluebell Girls was such a wholesome and comforting escape from the reality of truly difficult times in our world. Barbara Josselsohn conjures up a special, timeless place... a feel-good, hopeful tale." - Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars.The Lake Summer series has sold over 12,000 copies-Barbara Josselsohn is an award-winning journalist and novelist. Her novels center around second chances, family relationships and, of course, romance. She is the author of the Lake Summers series set in the fictional town of Lake Summers, nestled in the Adirondacks Mountains, which includes the books The Lilac House and The Bluebell Girls. She lives just north of New York City.

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Názov: The Bluebell Girls (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102066

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