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Summer at the Little French Guesthouse (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Summer at the Little French Guesthouse (EN)

Summer sun, chilled, white wine, and a gorgeous fiancé. Nothing could upset pure bliss... Right?Emmy Jamieson loves her new life in the gentle hills and sunflowers of the lush French countryside, managing La Cour des Roses, a beautiful, white stone guesthouse. With marriage to caramel-eyed Alain just round the corner, things couldn’t be more perfect.The odd glass (gallon) of wine dulls the sound of Emmy’s mum in full motherzilla-of-the-bride mode, and the faint tinkling of alarm bells coming from Alain’s ex are definitely nothing to worry about. Guesthouse owner Rupert and a whole host of old and new friends are there to make sure nothing gets in the way of Emmy’s happinessBut as Emmy gets close to the big day, a secret from the past throws everything decidedly off track. Will her idyllic French wedding go ahead as planned, or will Emmy run back home to England with a broken heart?This summer, escape to the rolling vineyards of France for an utterly uplifting read. Fans of Jenny Colgan, Debbie Johnson and Nick Alexander will want to join Emmy for a pain au chocolat in the sun-drenched garden at La Cour des Roses.What everyone’s saying about Summer at the Little French Guesthouse:‘I'm utterly bereft that this fantastic book has come to an end... I have been hooked on from the start... grips my heart and won't let go... I could potentially wax lyrical for far longer about various aspects of the book, but really I may start spoiling it for you... a wonderful way to escape your own life, while devouring a great story that should have you grinning!’- Rachel’s Random Reads 5 stars‘Love this book!... I barely got the first one done and I grabbed the next two to continue... Fun characters, fun story, and makes me want to pack a bag and head to the Loire Valley in France.’ - Goodreads Reviewer‘It's like meeting old friends... the series is a perfect summer read. It's about family, friendship and helping them... a twist I didn't see coming... It caught me by surprise.’ - Flying Thoughts

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Názov: Summer at the Little French Guesthouse (EN)

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