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The Forsyte Chronicles, Vol. 1: The Forsyte Saga (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Forsyte Chronicles, Vol. 1: The Forsyte Saga (EN)

John Galsworthy’s magnificent trilogy of power and passion chronicles the wealthy Forsyte family. As the disintegrating values of the Victorian era progress to World War I and the political uncertainty of the 1930s, the family’s material and emotional struggles are set within the dwindling status of the affluent middle-classes. Infused with warmth, compassion and engaging characters, the complete Chronicles are divided into three volumes, containing nine books and four interludes in total.In Volume 1, The Forsyte Saga, Soames Forsyte – the ‘man of property’ – is desperate to uphold values and conventions that are becoming out of step with the time. His most prized possession is his strikingly beautiful wife Irene, but she is profoundly unhappy; the bitterness only builds, and the events that follow are set to ripple through the next generation of Forsytes.The Forsyte Saga contains Book 1: The Man of Property, Interlude: Indian Summer of a Forsyte, Book 2: In Chancery, Interlude: Awakening and Book 3: To Let.

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Názov: The Forsyte Chronicles, Vol. 1: The Forsyte Saga (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK90120

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