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B. J. Harrison Reads After Twenty Years and Mammon and the Archer (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: B. J. Harrison Reads After Twenty Years and Mammon and the Archer (EN)

Two friends make a pact: no matter what happens, they will meet at a certain place twenty years later. The years go by and it’s time for them to reunite. While Bob is waiting for his friend Jimmy, a police officer shows up, wanting to know why Bob is standing there. Bob explains and the police officer goes away. However, shortly after another policer officer shows up. What do they want from Bob and will Jimmy show up? You will find out in O. Henry’s "After Twenty Years".
"Mammon and the Archer" tells us the story of the wealthy Anthony, who thinks he can achieve anything he can think of with money. At the same time his son Richard is in the midsts of a love crisis. His father tells him that he can win the girl’s heart with money and status. But is that really true?

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Názov: B. J. Harrison Reads After Twenty Years and Mammon and the Archer (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK87623

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