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Wanted - A Royal Wife (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 64) (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Wanted - A Royal Wife (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 64) (EN)

The Duke of Norlington and his sister Lady Latasha are living quietly in the country very happily with their horses The Duke receives a letter from an old Oxford friend who is now His Royal Highness Prince Kraus of Oldessa, a small Principality in the Balkans.The Prince asks the Duke if his sister would consent to marry his brother, Prince Stefan, as she is related to the Royal family, thereby giving Oldessa British protection from the Russians who are vying to take over as many States as they can in the Balkans.Latasha does not wish to marry for any reason other than true love, but agrees to visit Oldessa in disguise as Lady Gloria Ford to spy out the land and take a good look at Prince Stephan.Once in Oldessa she is impressed by the beauty of the country and finds the people delightful.How she finds a way to cure Prince Kraus’s terrible migraines, helps to save Oldessa from the clutches of the Russians and falls in love is all told in this fast moving romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.

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Názov: Wanted - A Royal Wife (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 64) (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK82627

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