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The Earl's Revenge (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 53) (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Earl's Revenge (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 53) (EN)

Robert Lyndon, heir apparent to a dukedom and newly spurned lover is desperate to save face amongst the young dandies and court ladies of Regency London society. Handsome, wealthy and decorated for his bravery Robert is recognised as one of the most eligible bachelors in Society. Yet despite his success with the ladies, it seems that he cannot find the perfect wife.Beautiful Rania Temple is living in impoverished gentility in the country. Away from the fashions and trends of the city, she is devoted to her family home and much loved horses. The only stain on her otherwise perfect landscape is a serious lack of money. A chance meeting sees them join forces to enter a deception that will benefit both of their needs.

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Názov: The Earl's Revenge (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 53) (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK82623

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