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The Hitchhike (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Hitchhike (EN)

Woman on woman. Man on man. Some have never questioned whether they’re gay. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly the their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes their cock hard.CUPIDO –the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984."He was the only one of his friends who was still a virgin. Moreover, he was broke and needed to hitchhike to get to the cottage." The Hitchhike by Marianne, Drøbak"We didn’t dare speak of it, and instead did the strangest things when we were together." – My Mate by Someone Who Misses Paradise"He was a burly fellow, about six and a half feet tall, with a jet-black beard and massive hands." – Me and the Boss by A.B., Oslo"He ordered pizza with olives and feta cheese, but probably hadn’t expected to end up on the baker’s table with his butt in the air." – Hunger by Manu Seppënen

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Hitchhike (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80726

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