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The Gates of Paradise (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 77) (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Gates of Paradise (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 77) (EN)

Narina Kenwin is the only daughter of the Bishop of St. Albans and since her mother‘s death she has been living with her father. She is very beautiful and is happy, but when riding in the woods she wishes she had someone special with her.Narina receives a letter from her great school friend, Louise, who is married to Prince Rudolf, the Ruler of the small Principality of Alexanderburg in the Balkans. Louise begs Narina to come to stay with her immediately and is sending a Battleship to take her to Alexanderburg.When Narina arrives, Louise tells her that it is essential for the country to have an heir to the throne or they would be overrun by the Russians. She and Prince Rudolf have to go to Constantinople so he can have an operation.Narina promises to take her friend‘s place as they look so alike. When she is out in the Palace garden one day she is suddenly surprised by a badly wounded man, who is being pursued by the dastardly Russians. How Narina saves the life of the intruder not only once but twice, and by her own ingenuity helps prevent the Russians taking over Alexanderburg and eventually finds the man of her dreams is all told in this unusual romantic adventure by BARBARA CARTLAND.

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Názov: The Gates of Paradise (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 77) (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80500

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